Research paper submission deadline
We inform all interested authors that the BS 2019 research papers submission has been extended to:
February, 1st 2019.
Please find templates and guidelines at:
We inform all interested authors that the BS 2019 research papers submission has been extended to:
February, 1st 2019.
Please find templates and guidelines at:
We inform all accepted authors that – due to the several requests received – the BS 2019 research paper submission deadline has been postponed to January, 15th 2019.
For all information regarding the submission guidelines and the template(s), please visit:
Please note that – due to a delay in a limited number of reviews – the abstracts acceptance notification is postponed to November, 16th 2018.
Therefore, the research paper submission start is postponed to November 26th, with a new deadline on December 27th, 2018.